Turnbull China Bikeride
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205 lines
A utility for preparing key strips as !Draw files
By C.T.Stretch
Files included :-
Path File Type Purpose
BasKeys text Example file with key definitions
for the basic editor
ReadMe text this file
!DrawStrip.!RunImage BASIC the main program
!DrawStrip.!Run Obey runs the program
!DrawStrip.!Sprites sprite one sprite
DrawStrip takes a text file that includes a list of text to put in each
key position and produces a !Draw file keystrip that can be examined with
!Draw or printed with a RISC OS printer driver (!PrinterDM or !PrinterPS) .
To try DrawStrip with the example text file BasKeys :-
1) Load a printer driver and set it for your printer .
2) Ensure that the filer has seen !System , !Draw and !Fonts.
e.g. display a filer directory of the root directory of
Application disk 1
3) Check you have some font space configured .
4) Double click on the !DrawStrip icon , this should install DrawStrip on
the iconbar .
5) Drag the BasKeys icon onto the DrawStrip icon on the iconbar .
6) After a few seconds a "Save as:" window should appear
either a) change the name if desired and drag to a filer window
or b) click on <OK> to accept the path name as given
or c) drag onto a !Draw icon on the iconbar
or d) drag into an open !Draw window
or e) drag to the printer driver icon .
After a) or b) you can drag the filer icon as c),d) or e) .
Preparing a text file of key definitions
These files can be prepared with !Edit . Examine BasKeys with !Edit as an
example . Each line of the file starts with a keyword in lower case text
followed by a number <n> or string <s> . The file must have type FFF (text).
Numbers are positive decimal integers . Strings are any printable
characters up to the end of the line .
rem <s> ignored
row <n> The following key definition apply to row n
range 1 (bottom) - 8
f<n> <s> sets the text for key n in the last chosen row to s
range n 1 - 12
s - at most 80 chars (much fewer in practice)
no space can precede the <n>
a space must follow the <n>
right <s>
left <s> sets the text to appear at the side of the boxes
The remaining keywords should appear at most once each in a file . If two
appear only the last is used . They need not appear at all , when the
default is used .
title <s> sets the title of the strip to <s>
height <n> height of each box in 1/46080 inch
default 1/3 inch
range 0 - 46080
tpoint <n> set the title text size to n points
default 20
range 2-40
kpoint <n>
spoint <n> set the maximum point size for the (k)ey or (s)ide text
default 12
range 2-40
tfont <s>
kfont <s>
sfont <s> set the font for (t)itle,(k)eys or (s)ide
default Trinity.Medium
the fonts must reside in <Font$Path>
lwidth n set the width of the lines in the boxes in 1/46080 inch
default 320
range 0 - 4608
0 gives lines of minimum thickness
The number of rows is taken from the largest row <n> in the file .
So for example a file containing just "row 3" will produce an empty keystrip of 3 rows 1/3 inch high with line width 320/46080 inch .
Blank lines are permitted in a file . Any other lines not beginning with a keyword produce an error .
kpoint and spoint set a largest point size , Drawstrip steps down the
pointsize by twos until the text will fit in the avaliable space . If you
use a large kpoint a large variety of text sizes will appear that looks
rather untidy , although some keys will be easier to read .
Errors and difficulties
System resources cannot be found
the filer has not seen !System
- [ cancel ] then open a directory containing !System
Fonts cannot be found
the filer has not seen !Fonts
- [ cancel ] then open a directory containing !Fonts
Bad text error - followed by line
your text input file is incorrect at this line
- [ OK ] ignore line and continue
- [ cancel ] abandon attempt
Printer driver needed .....
DrawStrip reads the papersize from the printer module
- [ cancel ] then load a printer driver and try again
The strip is truncated at the end(s)
Your paper is too short
- use only 'right' or 'left' not both or
load into draw , copy and move one up and one down
then print and glue the truncated pieces together
Your printer driver has large margins
- see printer drivers below
The text appears 'hairy'
your printer driver has too large a block for anti-aliasing
- see printer drivers below
The program takes a long time and many disk accesses
you have not configured enough fontsize
- see Fontsize below
Using the program will need
!DrawStrip , !Draw , !Edit to produce input
!System to define <Wimp$Scrap> for the direct transfer system
!Fonts to set <Font$Prefix> and provide the fonts
!PrinterDM or other driver
If you have a single floppy you could copy these onto one disk and save a
lot of disk swapping
If you normally have the machine configured with no or little fontsize you
may wish the !Run file to allocate it for you . Examine !Run and remove the
comment bars ' | ' from the two lines . You will need to copy the MemAlloc
module into !System.Modules . It can be found in !Lander on Application disk
2 .
Printer Drivers
The quality of the output from DrawStrip or other !Draw files depends on
having your printer driver set up correctly . Presumably if you have a laser
printer this should not be a problem , although you may still have to set up
the margins . The following may help if you are using PrinterDM .
My printer is an ancient MX80III . The only resolution supplied by
PrinterDM that it supported was 60x72 dpi which is useless for Draw files .
The printer also supports 120x72 and 120x216 and it turned out to be quite
easy to set the printer driver to these . The following observations are
purely experimental but should not do too much harm .
If you look in the directory !PrinterDM you will find a text file PrData .
Make sure you have another copy of this and then load it into !Edit . It
consists of three parts
Defaults : this sets the values for certain variables if they are not
changed in the next part
Real printer definitions : this sets the values for a list of printers
Configured options : stores your configured options
To set up a new real printer definition make a copy of the nearest one to
it at the end of the list and change the name and the number to the next
unused number , then change or add variable definitions . Most of the
variable names are obvious .
The pxres_halftone and pyres_halftone variables set the size of a box that
is partially filled to simulate different shades . If this is too big
anti-aliased fonts give rise to 'hairy' letters , as the shading pixels may
not be on the right side of the box . Try using pxres and pyres / 1 or 2 . (Putting both to /1 seems not to work?)
The paper size and margins are set in the defaults , but there is nothing
to stop you changing them in your definition . If you are using fanfold
paper you can set page_bottom to 0 , page_top to 841920 , then a DrawStrip
strip will fit completely on A4 paper . You should probably not set
page_right to more than 576000 on a 8inch carriage printer . The margins are
read by !Draw and used to set up the grey areas that appear when you do
'show paper limits' if you have a printer driver loaded .
Of course you can keep other printer definitions for your printer in the
same file with different settings . It may be worth deleting printer
definitions that you will never use as it may speed up the loading of
PrinterDM . Check that the printer in configured options is set to a number
that still exists .
This program started as a small exercise to write a !Draw file that did
something (slightly) useful . It just grew in the way wimp programs seem to
Acorn has produced an excellent idea in the PrinterDriver system . It
means authors can write graphical output for their printer safe(?) in the
knowledge that it will produce output on the lowest dot-matrix printer , the
most superior Postscript laser and even(?) a plotter . Writing output
directly to the printer driver looks like hard work , and for most purposes
producing a !Draw file should be easier , and has other advantages such as
allowing the user to review or alter the work before printing .
So , why not write your programs to produce output as !Draw files , and
distribute any documents that need graphics as !Draw files
Any comments , bug reports etc. gratefully received by
Chris Stretch on
Archive BBS No 62